Which Breed Of Dog Bites The Most

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How Many Dog Bite Fatalities Are Children

OSU study reveals which dog breeds most likely to bite

Most of the news stories that you see about people dying from dog bites are kids, but whats the reality here?

Are kids most of the fatalities?

According to the most recent data, the age group with the highest death rate from dog bites is 0 to 2-years old.

The age group accounts for 26% of all dog bite fatalities.

States Prohibit Organized Dog Fighting

In all 50 US states, organized dogfighting is considered a felony, and even being a spectator at a dogfight is illegal.

Dogfighting is a violent and very lucrative underground market. It is a sad life for a dog. Dogs are raised isolated and chained. Their ears are often cropped, and tails cut off. If you suspect that someone is illegally raising dogs for dog fighting purposes, its important to report this type of activity.

The reality is that even though dogfighting is illegal in most countries around the world, there is still a dogfighting culture that thrives. Animal cruelty is exactly what leads to aggressive dogs and even human fatalities.

Top 10 Dog Breeds Most Likely To Bite Humans

You dont have to be around dogs a lot to realize that their personalities vary widely. Some pups like Golden Retrievers or Bernese Mountain Dogs are more people-friendly than others. However, that is a general statement. Many factors can drive even a beloved pet to nip. Some are more territorial than others. Getting close to their food or toys will get their attention.

Some breeds like the Giant Schnauzer had a job that, well, involves a bite that is worse than their bark. Genetics and selective breeding aside, it boils down to one inescapable factthe relationship between the owner and the pet. If an individual doesnt socialize their dog, the pup is more likely to be less friendly and stranger-wary. They may not tolerate children or other people on his turf.

The statistics are sobering. Nearly 5 million Americans get bit each year, with about 800,000 having to see a doctor or visit ER because of it. The sad thing is that most involve kids. On average, 34 individuals die as a result of their injuries annually. The numbers show that some dogs bite people more than others. The lineup may surprise you.

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Summary Of Us Statistics On Dog Bites By Breed

Dog breeds that have caused the most attacks and deaths. This study has been carried out by Animals 24-7 and they have collected the number of attacks that they have been able to count between 2014 and 2020 in the United States.

We must keep in mind that, of the number of attacks that occur, few lead to serious incidents. In fact, the vast majority of attacks are produced by small dogs, but the consequences are not serious and do not transcend.

However, let’s see the ones that have transcended because they have produced from very serious injuries to the death of people, I repeat, in more than 30 years :

Global Dog Bite Statistics

Merrit Clifton Debunked: âDangerous breeds,â? dog bite statistics, and ...

According to WHO, its hard to track dog attack and dog bite statistics, but fatalities and hospitalizations are easier to keep track of. WHO approximates that there are tens of millions of dog bites each year, and many of these fatalities and bites happen in middle and low-income countries. Plus, travelers are often the victim of dog bites when they travel to these countries.

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Top 10 Dog Breeds That Bite The Most Some May Surprise You

Remember, although these dogs had the highest incidence of reported bitings, that doesnt mean theyre inherently bad breeds.

It just means that through whatever circumstances, they had the most bites.

Those circumstances could be aggressive, defensive, or even overly playful.

See, thats the thing- bite records dont give context, so its not really fair to say Oh, thats an aggressive breed!

While you may not be surprised by most of these, there are a couple in this list of top 10 dog breeds that bite the most that might surprise you.

#10. Mastiff

The Mastiff is a large, powerful breed. Its also a lovable giant. The Mastiff was responsible for 13 child bites and 4 adult bites.

Because the Mastiff is generally a gentle animal, its entirely possible that many of these bites were the result of rough play.

#9. Bulldog

The Bulldog was responsible for 10 child bites and 7 adult bites.

This is another entry in my top 10 dog breeds that bite the most that I suspect was due to children pestering the dog or defense, because this breed is generally known as one of the most docile dogs around.

#8. Boxer

I was surprised by this one as well. The boxer was responsible for 3 child bites and 13 adult bites. Its quite surprising considering how affable this breed normally is.

#7. Labrador

#6. Husky

#5. German Shepherd

#4. Akita

#3. Bull Mastiff

#2. Rottweiler

#1. Pit Bull

+ Important Dog Bite Statistics & Bites By Breed For 2020

Its hard to consider mans best friend might ever pose a threat to anyone you love. However, if you dig into the research of dog bite statistics, the alarming numbers tell a complicated but clear story.

Dog bites can range from friendly, playful nips to gnarly and unexpected attacks and often result in hospital visits.

These bites can be traumatic for young children and deadly for the elderly. Plus, dogs carry diseases and infections that can make it difficult for wounds to heal properly. So, being aware of the danger is important.

Fortunately, dog injuries are neither the biggest cause of hospitalizations in the US nor a significant cause of deaths. On the other hand, with the growing number of dogs in family households, our role in preventing potential attacks is a critical component. Knowing the statistics and facts gives us the tools we need to face the issue head one.

So, if you have been bitten by a dog or simply want the answers to some of your dog bite questions, weve compiled the most recent information for you.

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Dog Bite Statistics By Breed

As mentioned, pit bulls are the most abused breed in the world. They are also the least wanted dogs in shelters. All due to peoples stigma about dog breeds and aggression.

Dog bite statistics show that breed is not a deciding factor in dog bites. lets find out more!

There were 46 dog attack deaths in 2019. Pit bulls were responsible for 33 of them.

Homeowners insurers paid $797 million in dog bite and dog injury liability claims in 2019.

Homeowners insurance data reveals that the number of dog bite liability claims increased by 2.9% in just one year, from 17,297 in 2018 to 17,802 in 2019.

In contrast, dog bite insurance statistics show that the cost per claim increased by 14.7% in just one year. That is, in 2019 it was $44,760, while in 2018 it was $39,017. It is estimated that 81% of dog bite injuries do not require medical attention.

In the vast majority of cases, dog bites cause only minor injuries or no injury at all. Dog bite facts also show that most injuries are so minor that there is no need for medical attention.10. There was a 300% increase in dog attacks during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Statistics estimate that there was a 300% increase in dog attacks per 1,000 emergency room visits. Data show that dog bites, especially in children, have increased during social distancing.

Spending more time at home has led to increased stress levels in humans, but also in dogs.

Pit bull bite statistics show that the breed was responsible for 26 deaths in 2018.

Crucial Dog Bite Statistics

Top 7 Dog breeds with most FATAL dog bites.
    Last updated:

A dog is a mans best friend. However, just like us, dogs can become aggressive if not treated properly. According to dog bite statistics, more than 4 million dog bites occur in the US every year.

But before these statistics make you condemn a breed for being vicious or judge an owner for raising a beast, ask yourself one simple question: Why do dogs bite?

Lets take a look at some of the essential statistics.

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Pursuing A Dog Bite Injury Claim

Having learned about ten of the most aggressive dog breeds, you may be wondering what to do if you or a loved one are bitten by a dog. Your first step should be to call a personal injury attorney for a free case review. A personal injury attorney can help you seek compensation for damages sustained from a dog bite. Below are some ways in which an attorney can assist victims:

  • Seek compensation for injuries sustained
  • Represent the pet owner for a euthanasia case
  • Intervene on behalf of the dog owner if the insurance company refutes the claim
  • Seek compensation for pet owners if their dog gets bitten by another dog

So What Is Your Risk Of Getting A Dog Bite

Even if you have the most well-trained and calm dog, it can still be a bite risk for the general public. Every year, there are hundreds of attacks by dogs that result in serious injuries. Young children are mainly at risk since they are the ones that are most commonly bitten by dogs.

In some cases, dogs have also been responsible for fatal attacks, particularly among children. Unfortunately, certain dog breeds are singled out as dangerous from the bad press they get from popular culture.

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Is Biting And Aggression Linked

Aggression is a normal behaviour in all animals. It is a natural response to actual or perceived threat and is part of the way an animal communicates their emotional state. Animals use aggression to manage interactions and usually leads to resolution of the threat or conflict.

Think about a dog growling if you approach their dinner bowl when they are eating. While this might not be an ideal behaviour for a family dog, it is a clear indication the dog is uncomfortable. The growl should be warning enough for you to move away.

Dogs show a range of behaviours to neutralise stressful situations, such as lip licking, averting their gaze and growling. If we ignore, misinterpret or punish warning behaviour, we risk escalation.

If your dog displays unusual behaviour such as snapping or excessive barking, seek professional veterinary and behavioural advice, especially if pain or fear is involved

Dog Breeds Most Likely To Bite

Most Dangerous Dog Breeds: Dog Bite and Attack Statistics

Dogs are often fun and loving, though when they bite, they can cause serious problems. Over 4.5 million people get bit by dogs every year in the United States, and nearly one in five people who were bit need medical attention. Learn what dog breeds are considered most likely to bite and how you can work to prevent dog bites from happening.

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$: Average Cost Per Claim Nationwide

Dog bites can cause severe medical injuries and disabilities. They can also cause emotional and economic distress for the individual and the family.

Courts keep many factors in mind when determining the damages incurred. The fact is, dog bites are very traumatic events and can easily cost victims innumerable losses, including medical, physical, economic, psychological, and more.

In California, the average cost per claim is slightly more: $51,264.

The state with the highest average cost per claim is New York State at $55,801.

Dogs Are Responsible For 99% Of The Rabies Cases

Antarctica is the only continent thats rabies-free, while 95% of rabies-related deaths occur in Asia and Africa. The most common victims are children between the ages of five and 14.

Luckily, more than 29 million people around the world received a post-bite vaccination that prevented millions of fatalities.

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Dog Bite Injury: Which Breed Has The Most Aggressive Bite

Home»Dog Bite Injury: Which Breed Has The Most Aggressive Bite?

Did you know that approximately 4.5 million dog bites occur in the United States every year? And that more than 800,000 of those bites require medical attention? Despite being mans best friend, sometimes dogs can turn into mans worst nightmare, especially when agitated.

Children are common victims of dog attacks, with lip, chin, nose, cheek, and neck injuries being the most prevalent. These bites typically lead to severe injuries that attract millions of dollars in medical bills .

So the big question is, which dog breed is the most dangerous? And when should you hire an attorney to help you win a dog bite lawsuit? We answer which dog breed is the most dangerous via temperament test results from the American Temperament Test Society .


Dog Breed Bite Statistics

10 Dog Breeds That Bite The Most

Let us look at some statistics on fatal dog attacks by breed, knowing that there were 430 fatal dog bites from 2010 to June 2021:

  • Pit bull responsible for 185 deaths
  • Pit bull Mix responsible for 41 deaths
  • Rottweiler responsible for 26 deaths

Pit bull

No dog breed has a more ferocious reputation than the pit bull, being recognized as the most aggressive dog breed. According to Canine Journal , Pit bull attacks are responsible for the deaths of 185 people in the last ten years. In time, 473 people were killed by dog attacks between 2005 and 2017 in the United States, with 65% of these deaths being related to pit bull-type dogs.


The second most known breed for its brutal reputation is the Rottweiler. By combining the dog bite fatalities statistics for both dogs, we find that 76% of the total fatal dog attacks are related to them. Following immediately after is the German Shepherd producing 20 deaths, while mixed breeds produced 17 deaths. The American Bulldog accounted for 15 deaths, and it is reckoned to dislike the presence of other people. Husky completes the list of the most dangerous breeds with 13 deaths recorded.

  • California 2,396 claims
  • Illinois 854 claims

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How To Prevent A Dog Bite

Just like people, there are always good pets that snap. Even though the dog never displayed any aggressive attitudes, even though you didnt provoke him to attack, there are still those unaccountable instances that no one can explain or rationalize. However, more often than not, this isnt the case.

Thats why, when dealing with any dog, you should maintain confidence, but cautious body-language. Below are a few things you can do to make sure your attitude doesnt trigger an attack.

  • Dont approach an unfamiliar animal.
  • Do not run from a dog, panic or make loud noises.
  • If an unfamiliar dog approaches you, remain motionless. Do not run or scream. Avoid direct eye contact.
  • Dont disturb a dog while theyre eating, sleeping, or taking care of their puppies.
  • Allow a dog to sniff and smell you before you attempt to pet it. Afterward scratch the animal under the chin, not on the head.
  • Report strays or dogs displaying strange behavior to your local animal control.
  • If knocked over by a dog, roll into a ball and remain motionless. Be sure to cover your ears and neck with your hands and arms. Avoid eye contact and remain calm.
  • Dont encourage your dog to play aggressively.

Dog Bite Statistic #: Who Gets Bitten By Dogs

The risk of suffering a dog bite isnt the same for everyone. A litany of factors influence the likelihood that youll suffer a bite, including things like sex and age, among others.

Some of the most interesting statistics involving dog bites include:

  • Men are more likely to be bitten than women. According to the CDC, U.S. emergency rooms reported that 55.1% of bite victims were male, while 44.9% of bite victims were female.
  • Perhaps most troublingly, children are the victims in approximately 80% of all fatal dog attacks.
  • Children between the ages of 5 and 9 were the most common age group treated for bite wounds in U.S. emergency rooms, and they represented 15.2% of all patients. Children between 10 and 14 were the second most commonly treated group, narrowly edging out children younger than 5 years of age.
  • Collectively, adults between the ages of 25 and 44 accounted for approximately 25% of all bites, but this represents two distinct age cohorts. Individually, the 25 to 34 and 35 to 44 age groups each represented about 12% of all bites.

Fortunately, and with all deference to mail carriers, delivery drivers, and others who frequently come into contact with sometimes-aggressive dogs during the course of their work, you dont appear particularly likely to suffer a bite while on the job.

Children are the victims of roughly 80% of all fatal dog attacks. In addition, men are more likely to be bitten by dogs than women.

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Cdc Study: Dog Breeds Involved In Fatal Human Attacks In The Us

CDC is a Center for Disease Controls and Prevention which provided information about fatal human attacks in the U.S. These cdc dog bite statistics will show you which breeds of pups were involved in the human attacks that were fatal, from 1979 to 1998. While they show certain breeds of canine, bear in mind that this data collection doesnt indicate that neither the Edgar Snyder Associates nor CDC support breed specific legislation.

In the period from 1197 to 1998, approximately 27 humans died of pet bite attacks.

Over the past 20 years, there were about 240 related fatalities.

In these deaths were involved about 25 different breeds Rottweiler and Pit Bulls attacked over half of the reported fatalities.

About 17% of the deaths were caused by restrained pups on his territory, owners property.

58% of these fatalities were caused by unrestrained canines on the owners property.

And 24% were caused by unrestrained pets off their territory.

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