Is Artisan Bread Good For Diabetics

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Research On Sourdough Bread And Diabetes


The research on sourdough has varied results about how it affects your blood sugar and insulin levels.

A 2008 study found that adult subjects with impaired glucose tolerance had lower blood glucose and insulin responses when given a meal of sourdough bread than when given a meal of regular bread made with bakers yeast.

In contrast, a 2012 study found that 50g of carbohydrates from sourdough bread produced a greater blood glucose response than 50g of carbohydrates from a sprouted-grain bread and a 12-grain wheat bread. They also found that 130 mins after the meal, the sourdough bread produced a greater insulin response than any of the other breads tested.

A 2008 study also found that sourdough bread induced a greater insulin response than a non-sourdough bread over a period of 180 minutes post-meal. Sourdough bread also did not curb appetite or promote satiety any more than the placebo bread did.

The ADAs 2017 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes, state that: whole-grain consumption is not associated with improvements in glycemic control in type 2 diabetes. Or in other words, whole grains of any kind do not help you regulate blood sugar and A1c thats what the research clearly shows. There is really no evidence to show any type of whole grain provides any benefit for treatment sourdough or not!

Benefits Of Eating Bread For Type 2 Diabetes

Bread contains carbs needed to provide your body with energy. People with type 2 diabetes should maintain at least 1,500 to 1,800 calories per day. If you choose whole-grain bread, you’ll be getting a good amount of fiber and maintaining a reasonable amount of calories.

Fiber is good for keeping your glucose level in check, especially with its ability to make you feel more satisfied, reducing the need to eat more.

Bread also contains essential micronutrients, such as selenium, thiamin, and folate, which are beneficial for your body. These micronutrients are not necessarily crucial in managing type 2 diabetes but can be vital in improving your immune functions and blood clotting.

It is important to be careful not to over-consume bread, as regardless of how healthy the type of bread you are eating, bread should not represent more than 25% of the size of your meal.

What Bread Is Good For Diabetics

Food is one of the most important life pleasures. Being restricted from eating specific things due to health problems is a struggle. One such problem is diabetes. When you have diabetes, your choices to eat are very limited, and the whole process of deciding what to eat and what to avoid is very complicated. Food items that contain ample amounts of carbohydrates can cause a spike in your blood sugar levels.

Carbohydrates are present in many foods like desserts, grains, fruit, milk, and even bread. Giving up completely on carbs isnt recommended and is not ideal for the human body. Its not realistic, healthy, or even necessary. Carbs are necessary for the body hence for people with diabetes, its hard to find tasty sources that have the right balance of carbohydrates. One such delicious source is bread. However, sliced bread is often high in carbs, as they are overly processed plus high in sugar, and filled with calories.

But dont worry if you love bread and dont want to give up your love of bread because of diabetes this article is for you. With the belief that healthier choices can be a part of a satisfying meal plan, this article presents the different types of bread that you can eat even if you have diabetes. Read through the complete article to get top recommendations and recipes to make healthy bread for diabetes and enjoy your tasty meal.

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Sourdough Bread And Diabetes

Sourdough bread is made by traditional methods, where the starter dough is fermented to provide the rise in the bread instead of yeast and sugar. Surprisingly, this bread making method is much better for us.

Making sourdough produces beneficial gut bacteria that help with digestion, and this has a strong impact on how it then influences the blood sugar response.

As a consequence, sourdough breads are lower in GI:

  • sourdough rye bread 48
  • 80% barley bread made via sourdough 53-66
  • sourdough wheat bread 54

So having a slice of sourdough is going to be a better choice than most other breads.

But there is a bit more to the story.

Best Breads For Diabetes

This crusty artisan bread is no knead and tastes like it is fresh from ...

Do you avoid the bread aisle just to escape the confusion felt by so many carb-conscious consumers? It’s true: Bread is a tricky product to buy, especially for people with diabetes. Now you can return to the bread aisle with confidence-thanks to our brand picks and shopping guidelines. Here, we give our best choice for whole-grain bread and go over what to look for when you shop. Plus, get tasty and diabetes-friendly ideas for open-faced sandwiches.

These brands met our standards for nutrition and taste.

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Low Carb Breads At Local Stores

These can be harder to find, but since low carb is becoming more popular, if you look around there are more options available.

For instance, in the US and Canada, Walmart sells ThinSlim Foods Love-the-Taste Low Carb Bread Plain, 2pack and Josephs Bakery Mini Pita Bread, both of which are 7 grams carbs per slice/bread.

In the UK, Tescon sells Hovis Lower Carb Seeded Bread, which is around 9 grams carbs per slice a little bit lower than regular bread.

In Australia, Aldi sells an 85% lower carb bread, which is just 5 grams per slice.

We Take Look At How Sourdough Fermentation Changes The Way Our Bodies Take Up Carbohydrate

Over the last few years, awareness of diabetes has risen as the condition has affected more and more people. Increasing levels of type 2 diabetes are being linked to rising levels of obesity and more sedentary lifestyles, and the impact of this on individuals and the health service is making headlines. Dr Elisabeth Philipps, our in-house nutritionist, says that she receives a lot of enquiries from people with diabetes, asking for information and advice on whether they can include sourdough bread in their diets. There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that sourdough can not only be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet, but that it can also help with managing blood sugar levels crucial when dealing with diabetes in addition to other health benefits. Its an area that we at the Sourdough School have been researching in some detail, reading the scientific publications, using the shared clinical knowledge and expertise of Dr Elisabeth and Dr Alex Davidson, our in-house GP, as well as talking to other respected people involved in pushing forward our understanding of the link between diabetes and diet.

Some of the people with diabetes who we speak to have been looking into low-carbohydrate diets as a way to control blood glucose levels. Dr Alex notes that diet is one of the key ways diabetics can help to control their sugar levels, and this is always her starting point with the diabetic patients she sees, as simple changes can make dramatic improvements.

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Control Blood Sugar Levels

Controlling blood sugar levels is important for everyone, especially people with type 2 diabetes and those unable to produce enough insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar.

Rye bread has several qualities that can help control blood sugar. For starters, it is high in soluble fibre, which helps slow the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates and sugar through the digestive tract, leading to a more gradual rise in blood sugar levels.

Rye bread also contains phenolic compounds, such as ferulic acid and caffeic acid, which can slow the release of sugar and insulin into the bloodstream, further helping to control blood sugar levels. For example, a study involving 21 healthy adults found that eating a rye-based evening meal with added resistant starch helped slow the release of sugar and insulin into the bloodstream. It raised levels of satiety hormones, so people stayed full longer

However, plain rye had no significant effect on blood sugar levels, although it increases feelings of satiety

Gi Of South African Breads

Lucy’s Loaf – Gluten free, healthy artisan bread

The South African Glycaemic Index and Load Guide by Gabi Steenkamp and Liesbet Delport has a comprehensive table on nearly all of the breads available and their nutritional composition. This book can be ordered directly from GIFSA or from a dietician. The table below indicates the GI and nutritional composition of some of the most common breads in South African stores.

The foods in the table are listed from lowest GI to highest GI. The Artisan Bakers sourdough bread has the lowest GI in the table above, but its highest in carbohydrates and fairly low in fibre. Albany low GI Ultima kJ controlled brown bread has a slightly higher GI, less kJ and more fibre. Blue Ribbon low GI Brown Plus high fibre bread is still low GI but has more fibre than most other breads. Interestingly, some rye breads are low GI and others are intermediate GI. One would think that nutty wheat, whole wheat and brown bread would be low GI but according to the South African Glycaemic Index and Load Guide, they fall into the high GI category.

It is important to note that the GI classification is not to label the food as good or bad. By knowing the GI of different foods, you can put together a lower GI meal by balancing lower and higher GI foods, with lean protein and healthy fats in the right portion sizes. Heres more information on low GI food.

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Whole Wheat Or Whole Grain Breads

Because this bread is produced with whole grain, it has a higher nutritional profile and a lower glycemic index. A bread must contain 51% or more whole-grain ingredients by weight per serving to qualify as a whole grain. Many professionals recommend whole grain bread for diabetics because of its high fiber content. It is slightly lower on the glycemic index at 74 since whole wheat bread is made with whole wheat flour. Which does not have the same negative impact on blood glucose levels as refined carbohydrates.

Is Bread Better Than Cereal For A Diabetic

This is another question that often gets asked and the answer is yes. If you had to choose, a slice of bread over most breakfast cereals would be a better choice any day because most cereals are way too high in sugar.

Of course, not all breakfast cereals are made alike, but generally speaking, bread will contain less carbs, and far less sugar than most common breakfast cereals.

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Is Rye Bread Good For Diabetics

Jolie Wiener

Diabetes is a serious condition that needs careful management to avoid things going worse and maintain good health. Watching what you eat is one of…

Diabetes is a serious condition that needs careful management to avoid things going worse and maintain good health. Watching what you eat is one of the best and easiest strategies to help control the condition. There is a variety of options and possibilities when it comes to choosing the finest bread for diabetics to eat. For diabetics, rye is an excellent grain to consume. It is made up of bigger molecules than wheat, thus it takes longer to break down in your system. But what is rye?

Healthiest Bread For Diabetics Worth A Buy

Easy Oatmeal Bread

Mostly commercially available bread consists of refined, white flour, lacking fiber content in addition, it can raise blood glucose levels.

Is whole grain bread good for diabetics? Whole-grain bread is just perfect for any person who is looking for monitoring their calorie and carbs count. If a person is unresponsive about the standard versions, then there are plenty of other low carb bread brands as well:

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The Difference Between Sourdough And Normal Bread

To start with, its helpful to understand the difference between the different kinds of bread. Most breads use commercial yeast to rise, but sourdough bread uses a fermentation process. A starter is made from a mixture of flour and water, which is left for at least 24 hours to start the fermentation process. The starter contains yeasts and lactic acid bacteria, which, when added to the rest of the sourdough ingredients, causes the bread to rise.

The fermentation process in sourdough bread may also break down some of the particles in the dough which cause gastrointestinal fermentation and gas production . This may be helpful for those who suffer from bloating after normal bread.

Is Sourdough Bread Gluten Free

Many people think that those with gluten sensitivity, irritable bowel syndrome, or celiac disease may tolerate sourdough better than other breads because most of the gluten in sourdough bread is broken down during the process of fermentation.

And this is truethere is less gluten in sourdough bread than in regular white or wheat bread.

But, sourdough bread is not gluten free!

This is most important for those with celiac disease to be aware of, because consuming any gluten at all can be very dangerous.

If you do not have celiac disease, going gluten free can actually cause more harm than good if you are relying on gluten free breads and pastas.

These products are often made from grains like rice, oat, and quinoa and may contain even more carbs than traditional wheat products.

If youre looking to maximize your gut health and steer your blood sugar into a healthy range, skip the gluten free diet and go a step further by adopting a totally grain-free diet. It will not only help your gut health but also benefit blood sugar levels too.

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White Bread Tiger Bread Pumpernickel Bread Granary Bread Flat Bread Seeded And Pitta Bread

Serve with:

  • lean chicken, ham, turkey or beef plus chopped tomatoes, grated carrot and cucumber
  • egg and cress, with a little reduced-fat mayo and black pepper
  • cottage cheese mixed with salsa and sweetcorn
  • reduced-fat cheddar with grated carrot and sultanas
  • Tabasco sauce, horseradish, mustard and chili sauce for a real fiery kick in jazzed-up sandwiches.

Per slice:

  • White: 79Kcal 16.6g carbs 0.6g fat
  • Tiger: 97Kcal 17g carbs 0.83g fat
  • Granary: 85Kcal 17g carbs 0.8g fat
  • Pumpernickel: 76Kcal 14.5g carbs 0.5g fat
  • Pitta: 244Kcal 18.5g carbs 1.2g fat
  • Seeded: 174Kcal 29.6g carbs 4.8g fat
  • Bagel: 230Kcal 44g carbs 1.2g fat

Offset Carbs With Fat And Protein

Easy 5 Ingredient Artisan Bread Recipe

When carbs are consumed as part of a meal that includes protein and fat, they affect blood sugar more slowly. For this reason, planning ahead for healthy, balanced meals is fundamental to good diabetes management, says Jenny Champion, RD, a diabetes educator, personal trainer, and editor of Posh Paleo Magazine.

To make sure your meals are well-balanced, the ADA suggests this method of filling your plate:

  • Half your plate: non-starchy vegetables, such as spinach, carrots, tomatoes, or greens
  • A quarter of your plate: grains and starchy foods, such as whole grain noodles, rice, or potatoes
  • A quarter of your plate: lean protein, such as beef, fish, chicken, or tofu
  • Add an 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk and a piece of fruit or half a cup of fruit salad on the side.

Remember that even if you eat the right foods, eating too much can cause your blood sugar to rise. Keeping track of what youre eating and how much youre eating and then how it affects blood sugar is the best way to stay on top of your diabetes, Champion says.

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Nutritional Value Of Rye Bread

Rye bread has high fiber content and a nutritional profile that is excellent. The actual composition, however, is determined by the amount of rye flour used, with darker rye breads containing more rye flour than lighter rye breads.

On average, one slice of rye bread contains the following nutrients:

  • Selenium: 18% of the Daily Value
  • Thiamine: 11.6% of the DV
  • Manganese: 11.5% of the DV
  • Riboflavin: 8.2% of the DV
  • Niacin: 7.6% of the DV
  • Vitamin B6: 7.5% of the DV
  • Copper: 6.6% of the DV
  • Iron: 5% of the DV
  • Folate: 8.8% of the DV

Of course, the nutritional value of rye bread varies depending on the brand. However, rye bread, like most breads, is high in carbs but low in protein and fat. Pumpernickel bread is a better choice when it comes to rye bread, as it contains slightly fewer carbs and has a lower glycemic index. The bread’s ingredients will also vary greatly depending on the brand.

A homemade loaf of rye bread fresh from the oven, for example, is much healthier than a loaf of rye bread fresh from a factory. Processed sugars, corn syrups, and additives are commonly found in store-bought loaves. Although rye bread has a longer shelf life than wheat bread, many commercial loaves incorporate preservatives to extend their shelf life even further.

What are the good nutritive components of rye bread?

How To Check Food Labels

The bread you choose needs to support your overall health goals, but be aware that some breads contain unhealthy additives. There also may be some tradeoffs.

For example, if you’re looking for a bread that’s strictly low-calorie and low in carbohydrates , you can find these options. The problem is that there may be artificial ingredients, flavorings, and other additives in them too.

Whatever type of bread you’re looking for, you need to make an informed decision. Reading the package label can help you do that. You’ll want to look at the calorie, carb, fiber, fat, and sodium contents. You’ll also want to make sure your bread is whole grain.

If you aren’t sure which loaf is the best for you, ask your dietitian or certified diabetes educator.

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